
Thursday 16 February 2012

How hard is it to follow instructions?

Following instructions can be so hard and easy at the same time. An instruction is a order to do something. And taking orders and following instructions from someone else might not be that easy. Some instructions can be so difficult to follow. Someone might give you orders that are not in place with your beliefs and morals and that would lead to one not following the instructions. Some instructions are so difficult to follow because they are not clear enough for one to understand.

Following instructions means to meet deadlines, to be on point and follow orders. Following instructions can mean abiding to someone else's orders which might lead to work not being done instructions are not understood.

At the same time, following instructions can be ease, especially if they are clear and make sense to the person reading them. They should always be clear, be on point and give straight forward orders so that people can submit things on time and in a required manner.

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