
Tuesday 17 April 2012

How do you step from the top of a 100 foot pole

To me, to step down from the 100 foot pole is all about taking a risk. It needs someone to be courageous, motivated and be a risk taker.

Risk taking is an integral part of business and life, but few people know how to manage it properly.  The word risk has a slightly negative connotation to it, it implies danger, tension, and possible loss. But risk also has a positive side, the chance of hitting a big win and being able to do the impossible.

We tend to avoid situations that we fear and will hesitate to take what we perceive as a frighteningly high risk. Most people rely on their fear and hesitation to keep them out of the most profoundly unknown situations and this can limit people and this can make people not to know what they are capable of.

Taking a risk sometimes makes you to achieve the impossible, makes you
to know what you are capable of and can take you to high places and be
recognised for taking a risk.

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